


这实际上就是抛硬币的结果. Leah Cordy had narrowed her college choice to the Berg and a much larger public institution. 在最后一刻,她决定听天由命. 硬币正面朝上投给了澳门银河网站. 但澳门银河网站还有其他一些有利因素. “当我来到这里参观时,感觉很好. 有家的感觉,利亚说, who brought with her enough College Credit Plus credits to enter as a sophomore. It helped tremendously that Heidelberg was the only school that would accept all of those credits and count them as both gen eds and electives.


Tommy Severson was “this close” to mailing in his deposit to another, 小的学校, 但他在最后一刻改变了主意. 澳门银河网站有一种他无法摆脱的东西. “我一直都知道澳门银河网站,也一直很喜欢它,”他说. 也许是对校园的熟悉,或者是完美的尺寸, 但现在, 当他开始他的最后一个学期, 他很高兴自己做出了选择.

5件事:. 莎拉Lazzari

It’s been quite a transition from sunny southern California to snow-in-November 吃午饭, 俄亥俄州, 而是Dr。. 莎拉·拉扎里很高兴做出了. 至少当莎拉和她儿子, 多诺万, 去年夏天搬到了蒂芬, 他们经历了典型的中西部季节. She is settling in beautifully to her new role as assistant professor of criminology and 多诺万 is settling in equally as well. “当我面试的时候, the biggest difference was that Heidelberg had me sit down and talk with students, 这说明了很多. 这就是我从事教学的原因,”她说.


杰 Bannister didn’t know that Heidelberg – the first college among several that he visited – would become home. 他是由防守协调员布兰登·雅库布辛招募的, 等, 尽管他有兴趣继续踢足球, 他“只是想去上学.“虽然在游戏后期, 杰, 谁是从伯里亚来的, 俄亥俄州, committed to Heidelberg and he knows now he made the right decision.


Sometimes, people know what they want to do with their lives very early on. 那是莉兹·扎克. “My high school had a career tech program … I did the agriculture science program all four years,小莉说。. That experience confirmed for her that she wanted to pursue a career as a veterinarian, 研究外来动物. 她已经在路上了. But there’s more to this animal lover and dog mom from Oregon, 俄亥俄州.


自2004年从澳门银河网站毕业以来, Alisha (Davis) Watkins has been successfully climbing the ladder in her career as an accountant – and now partner – at Plante Moran’s Southfield, 密歇根的办公室. 一个注册会计师, Alisha provides assurance and consulting services to clients in the government and healthcare industries, 与组织合作

5件事:. 巴里·迪瓦恩

Dr. 巴里·迪瓦恩的广播播音员生涯很短暂, 澳门银河网站也因此变得更好了. “I decided that was not the career for me, so I went back to school,” he says. As he pursued his second undergrad degree in English at the University of Washington, 他意识到他真正喜欢的是文学. “事实证明,拥有英语学位可以做很多事情.当他完成了他的第二个学位, 他遇到了他未来的妻子, Heleana Theixos, and they set off on grad school adventures that eventually brought both of them to Heidelberg.


Heidelberg came to Maia Brower long before she ever set foot on campus. 在她高二的时候, 她开始师从伯格音乐老师布尔博士(Dr. rensame Claire,她在路上上课. 其中一站是玛雅在俄亥俄州奥克港的高中. “I really enjoyed having her here every time she came,” Maia recalls. 在仁杰的四年里,她一直在上声乐课, also pursuing her interest in instrumental music with flute instructor Lori Akins.


Ethan Miller entered Heidelberg as a chemistry major because that’s what his family told him he was best at. 不反对科学, 但是在他大一结束的时候, 他意识到他的热情在于艺术和人文学科. “我真的很喜欢英语. That’s what makes me tick,” says Ethan, now a senior preparing for grad school. “English was one of the things that helped me find me and my identity.” So he switched his major to English writing and added theatre and psychology minors.

你要知道的5件事:Em Swain

Em Swain had their heart set on going out of state for college – so much so that they were “very upset” that they loved Heidelberg so much when they visited. 如果可能的话, they love it even more in their second year as an Honors student majoring in philosophy and double minoring in theatre and writing. 他们找到了有趣的爱好, 太, 包括剧院, 希腊的生活, 即兴喜剧——甚至是研究.

你要知道的5件事:Lexie 页面-Boyd

Lexie 页面-Boyd was recruited to Heidelberg as a thrower on the track team. 但更大的图景为她敲定了这笔交易. In her senior year, Lexie has thrived as an environmental science major and student-athlete. “Initially it was a track decision, but overall, it was the education. 我绝对认为我做出了正确的选择,”她说. 在教室和实验室内外平衡一个完整的时间表, 她是你会遇到的最忙的学生之一.

要知道的5件事:Jason Surmaceviz

No, it’s not Serve-a-Sandwich and yes, it’s pronounced just like it sounds. Junior Jason Surmaceviz found his “Heidel-home” the moment he went on a tour of campus. “这取决于几所大学, 但是这里的每个人都很友好,感觉就像一个大家庭,杰森说。, who put down his deposit at the end of the tour and never looked back. 今天, 他在幕后担任了许多重要职位, 组织和执行校园重大活动.


当茱莉亚·坎贝尔在大学巡回演出时, 她最终选择了规模大得多的东密歇根大学. But she just couldn’t shake that feeling she experienced when accompanying her older sister on a visit to Heidelberg. “我在EMU的那段时间, 我一直在想, “如果我选择了澳门银河网站,会发生什么呢?,’”茱莉亚说。. After one year, she transferred and is currently in her third semester at the Berg. 她对自己的决定非常满意!

杰出澳门银河网站奖- Elrich“Pete”Green, 1978年

20世纪70年代中期,作为澳门银河网站的一名学生,埃尔里希. “皮特”格林是校园里的传奇人物, engaged in activities across the board where he could truly make a difference. 他是一名田径学生运动员, WHEI业务经理, 与爵士乐队一起表演, 在宿舍工作,是黑人学生会的成员, σ


缝纫,有人会说,是一门失传的艺术,但它有很多好处. 你可以在任何年龄学习. It requires creativity, keeps the brain active, improves hand-eye coordination and reduces stress. Sewing promotes joy and satisfaction from creating something from scratch or tailoring something to fit. 超级天才的女裁缝Angie Cook知道所有这些

遗产家庭奖- Zartman-Diefenbach-Thompson家族

The first alumnus who represents this year’s honored Legacy Family was a member of the first graduating class of Heidelberg College back in 1854. 16年过去了,有近30名澳门银河网站, the members of the Zartman-Diefenbach-Thompson Family have left their mark on Heidelberg since its founding days. 在他们的行列中有神学家


澳门银河网站社区正在哀悼威廉. “比尔”古德温, ’56, 已退休的发展副总裁, 6月3日去世, 2019, 在萨拉索塔, 佛罗里达. 还有他的妻子, 诺玛(范特), ’54, 他们都是这里的学生时认识的, 比尔非常尊敬他的母校, 参加班级聚会和重大活动, 和步进


保罗•布朗, ’69, 他大一那年的记忆非常清晰, 坐在图书馆里, 听着有人在人行道上唱歌. 这个“人”就是来自俄亥俄州坎顿的音乐神童艾拉·特平. Ira, then a sophomore in the class of ’68, had been in singing groups back home. “艾拉在欧杰伊家长大. 事实上,他是


Marques Johnson is a junior from Belleville, Michigan, with a popular music major. He transferred to Heidelberg his Sophomore year and has since involved himself in a wide range of organizations on campus. 作为合唱团和军乐队的一员, Marques could be considered a “jack-of-all-trades” in the music industry.


Senior Haley Hudler originally sought out a school in the Midwest to travel away from her home in Connecticut. The religion major knew she wanted to attend a university with an affiliation with the United Church of Christ. She decided on Heidelberg because she wanted a broad range of experiences. "I also really wanted a liberal arts college where I could learn how to learn," she says. “我希望能够学习不同领域的课程.她在澳门银河网站发现了这一切,甚至更多.